Two reasons why new food manufacturers must use waste oil disposal services

31 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Here are two reasons why new food manufacturers who plan to use oil as part of their production processes must use waste oil disposal services.

To prevent issues with the premises' drainage system

One reason why a new food manufacturer should use this service is to prevent issues from arising with their facility's drainage system. Many of the oils that a food manufacturer may need to use to produce their food products (such as coconut oil) will be solid at room temperature and could quickly create blockages when they solidify, after being poured down the premises' drains in their liquified state.

Furthermore, even the cooking oils that a food manufacturer uses that are liquid at room temperature could still contribute to the formation of blockages in their facility's drains, due to their thick texture. Additionally, food manufacturers typically need to use huge amounts of cooking oils and so could end up pouring hundreds of litres of these oils through their drains each week if they don't use waste oil disposal services. This could result in regular blockages, which could be costly to fix and whose removal could disrupt the production of their facilities' goods.

If a food manufacturer arranges for their used oils to be collected in large containers, and then has these oils taken away by a waste oil disposal business, they could save themselves a great deal of money (in the form of plumbing repair bills and profit losses caused by the resultant disruption to their production processes), even when the expense of using this service is taken into account.

To comply with environmental laws in their area

In most parts of Australia, there are environmental laws that regulate how waste products, such as the oils used by food manufacturers, must be disposed of. Any new food manufacturer who knows their production processes will result in the creation of large amounts of waste oil should have this oil collected and properly disposed of by a waste oil disposal business so they can comply with these laws.

By doing this, instead of pouring their waste oil down their premises' drains or throwing it out with their standard refuse, a food manufacturer can avoid receiving fines or even possibly having their business operations closed down. Furthermore, using this service will also give the food manufacturer peace of mind, as they'll know the waste oil produced by their production processes will not be causing environmental damage.

For more information, contact a local company, like Wren Oil.